mundus maris

Restore and Protect the Ocean, NOW!
In Europe the watchword is ‘Restore our Ocean and Rivers’. New legislation is on its way in order to translate the international treaties negotiated for years in a hard won consensus into a new set of rules to deliver the long expected improvements for urgent nature restoration and human wellbeing. The Global Biodiversity Framework agreed in December 2022 and the BBNJ Treaty to protect biodiversity on the High Seas of…
Mundus Maris – 2023 will have a focus on ocean recovery
2023 has started with some very promising political action. Last December, politicians reached a crucial agreement and made a landmark declaration to implemented protected areas on 30% of the ocean and land by 2023, at the 15th UN Biodiversity Conference of the parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD COP15). This February, the EU convened ocean stakeholders in Brussels to take stock of the initial efforts of the EU Mission…
Starting 2023 with fresh energy and focus on outreach!
We hope you all had a good start into the new year. 2022 saw some important events and decisions, for example the COP15 in Montreal on stopping mass extinction of biodiversity. Politicians reached a crucial agreement and made a landmark declaration to implement protected areas on 30% of the ocean and 30% of the land by 2030. But we all know that it is hard enough to move red lines…
COP27 to muster political will for climate action and ocean protection
Throughout October we remained focused on small-scale fisheries (SSF) in the last quarter of the International Year of Artisanal Fisheries and Aquaculture (IYAFA2022) to keep delivering our contributions to overdue recognition of small-scale fisheries as an important producer of food in uncertain times, but also as a bread winner for millions and a way of life deeply appreciative of marine and inland water cultures. Vedi Newsletter